Product description
House amplifiers(in text-amplifiers) are intended for amplifying and distributing TV signals in cable TV Networks.
The amplifiers are produced with built-in power supply for powering from mains ~ 198...250V and for remote
powering from line ~24...65V(depending on type). The amplifiers have one input and two Outputs.
The amplifiers are provided for plug-in return path amplifier and interstage attenuatcr.
Plug-in return path modules are not included in a package.
Power supply
The amplifiers with remote power supply(HY113-2)is supplied with ~24...65V via coaxial cable to input of amplifier.
The voltage can be passed to output with a help of a swithch.
The amplifiers powered from mains 230V(HY113-1) is factory mounted with the mains Cable.
Power unit activity is indicated by the mains indicator.
Pulg-in return path modules
If a return path is required,remove both the links as show in Figure 3(pos.2) and replace
them with either an active RAxx-01 or passive return path RP xx-01 module.
If return path is not used,place links.
The amplifiers are supplied with links.
Schematic Diagram
* depends on return path module:passive RPxx-01 or active RAxx-01
** for amplifiers with return path -+1.0dB
*** when f ≥40MHz,return loss ≥ 14dB(40MHz)-1.5dB/octave